1-30 of 87
Price: 1,978.00 грнon order
Price: 1,978.00 грнon order
Price: 1,978.00 грнon order
Price: 1,978.00 грнon order
Price: 1,978.00 грнon order
Reviews: 14
2016 tensor medium pips, with outstanding efficiency and incredible control
Price: 1,748.00 грнon order -
Price: 1,748.00 грнon order
Price: 1,748.00 грнon order
Price: 1,518.00 грнon order
Price: 1,702.00 грнon order
Reviews: 4
очень удачное защитное основание, с невероятным контролем и в то же время возможностью мощной атаки - теперь можно заказать и утяжеленную версию
Price: 2,622.00 грнAvailable -
Price: 1,748.00 грнon order
Price: 3,036.00 грнon order
Price: 3,036.00 грнon order
Reviews: 2
strong pulling pips with outstanding effect force and rotational flexibility
Price: 1,380.00 грнon order -
Price: 1,794.00 грнon order
Price: 2,622.00 грнon order
Price: 6,762.00 грнon order
Price: 6,762.00 грнon order
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a highly effective defensive game thanks to its very grippy, even slightly tacky rubber surface
Price: 1,518.00 грнon order -
Price: 1,748.00 грнon order
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for use with the latest plastic balls, providing outstanding control in all aspects of the game, both passively and actively
Price: 1,702.00 грн966.00 грнAvailable -
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a special version with dampening sponge
Price: 1,702.00 грнon order -
Price: 1,426.00 грнon order
Price: 1,518.00 грнAvailable
Price: 1,518.00 грнon order
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tensor sponge with grippy topsheet without stickiness, similar to Dignics 09C only slightly softer
Price: 1,610.00 грнon order -
Price: 1,610.00 грнon order
Reviews: 1
tensor sponge with sticky topsheet, similar to Dignics 09C only slightly softer
Price: 1,518.00 грнon order -
Price: 1,518.00 грнAvailable