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A-B-S 2 is an improved version of the popular anti-spin A-B-S. It is designed to meet the new game requirements of 40+ balls for table play. Also, the rubber A-B-S 2 takes into account the peculiarities of balls made of ABS and ABS + plastic. Here the shortest and lowest ball bounce is achieved, for maximum difficulty in the opponent's actions.
When blocking topspins with strong spin, the ball returns with a powerful reverse, with strong bottom spin. And when blocking against fast attacks without spin, the ball will travel low, along a diving trajectory, so the ball will be difficult despite the lack of spin.
A-B-S 2 has very high control, so getting the right angles for accurate hits is not difficult. And despite the slow speed of the rubber, you can change the pace of the game and play it aggressively. Excellent handling remains even on fast foundations.
2.1 mm sponge gives maximum reverse rotation and low speed.
2.3 mm sponge gives even lower speed and more control, and excellent reverse rotation.
2.5 mm sponge still gives excellent reversal of rotation, and the lowest speed with maximum control.
Delivered on glue sheet.