Олексій, вибачайте що набридаю, але хотілося б зрозуміти чим Master Line All+ відрізняється від інших основ, наприклад PALIO GN, S4?
Ви також писали, що ця основа найбільш гнучка та вібруюча порівняно з Аппельгрен і Перссон. Як це позначається на грі такою дерев'яшкою?
Э питання стосовно накладки Gambler Aces направо. Чи буде достатньо контролю? Читав відгуки на неї, на одному іноземному сайті (форумі) (див. нижче), пишуть що схожа на LKT XP, але губка жорсткіша і відповідно трохи швидше. LKT XP не грав, але вона швидка начебто. Мені колись радили повільнішу LKT XT. Я купував у Вас GLOBE 999 і потім її продав, бо не міг з нею впоратися, от тільки не пам’ятаю чи пробував її на Donic sstrait, бо мучився раніше, як і на даний час з TTSPORT OFF. В грі справа також використовую зрізки (підрізки), доки не прийде зручний м’яч. Топс по підрізці в мене не завжди виходить, чекаю повільного м’яча, щоб його зробити, а далі вже стабільніше –топс по верхньому.
Ви колись писали, що можливо спробувати накладки. Ця можливість діє? Як саме?
Location: United States
Topic: Gambler Aces (2.2mm Red) Review
Posted: 02 November 2006 at 06:34
I can't wait until this Saturday to try the rubbers, so I decided to try at least one of them tonight.
Well, I tried the Gambler Aces. I have to say, I am very impressed with this rubber. This is the second Chinese rubber that I like beside 802-40 short-pips. Ok, let's do this review:
1. Weight: It's VERY light rubber. Comparing to LKT ProXP, this rubber is just a little bit heavier. Comparing to regular 729 rubbers, this one is A LOT lighter.
2. Characteristics: It has yellow soft sponge. They describe that the Aces has tacky topsheet, well, not really. I am very sensitive with tacky rubbers, but this one is not that tacky. However, it's more tacky than the common Japanese or European rubbers. The Aces topsheet is very similar to the ProXP. The sponge is also similar to the ProXP, it's just firmer and faster.
3. Throw: This is very interesting. I think that it has low-throw for power looping close-to-the-table. From mid-distance and counter-looping, it also gives you very low-throw with heavy topspin. For smashing, man, I was SO impressed with this rubber. It's so accurate and the ball stay very low.
4. Power: This is NOT Butterfly rubber or other brand names. However, it's so close to Sriver FX, just a little bit less speed/power.
What blades did I try this rubber?
I tried this rubber on 3 blades: Butterfly Keyshot, Gambler Arylate Carbon and Gambler Black Diamond Light. Man, they are ALL good. But, it was best on the Gambler Black Diamond Light.
Who should use this rubber?
Are there any problems/issues with this rubber?
Please understand one thing, this is still a Chinese rubber. It's not the best. Compare to Bryce or Mark V or Sriver FX, it's still not even close. But, comparing to other Chinese rubbers, it's much better by far. At first, I had some problem with blocking because it is slower than Almana Sound that I have been using. It took me couple of games to get used to it. As you all know, I am NOT a big fan of Chinese rubber. But, I like this one. For the price and what it can do for you, it's is the BEST.
How does it react to speed-glue?
Very well since it has soft sponge. The rubber swelled up very quickly.
Am I going to buy this rubber again?
Absolutely. In fact, after all the tournaments in November, I will buy some more of this.
I think this rubber is very good with the Gambler blades. Now, I am thinking about getting another Gambler Black Diamond Light.
Last but not least, I have talked good things about this rubber. However, please DO NOT expect this one is as good as Sriver FX or Bryce or anything like that. It's VERY good or what it worth.
Preview of the Four Kings, I expect it's similar to the Aces since it has yellow soft sponge, but I haven't tried yet. I will try to do that this weekend.
I hope that this review gives you enough information about the Gambler Aces. Please let me know if you have any question(s).
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