soft allround rubber for topspin play, controllable and durable, made in Japan
длинные шипы на специальной демпфирующей губке, очень медленные
long pips with low grip for allround play
a medium-hard sponge conferring lots of rotation to the topspins and counter topspins at mid-distance
controlled, spin-friendly strokes, without a big speed loss are the main characteristics of this rubber
soft and control sticky, similar to Mercury only softer
long pips, sponge thickness 0.7 mm; improved version of the popular rubber
long pips, OX (without sponge); improved version of the popular rubber
dangerous long pips with outstanding control
long pips, sponge thickness 0.7 mm; improved version of the popular rubber
long pips, OX (without sponge); improved version of the popular rubber