1-30 of 144
Price: 1,794.00 грнon order
Price: 1,794.00 грнAvailable
Price: 1,564.00 грнAvailable
Price: 1,564.00 грнAvailable
Price: 1,564.00 грнAvailable
Price: 1,564.00 грнAvailable
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strong pulling rubber ALL+ / OFF-; different sponge with different properties for black and red versions
Price: 1,012.00 грнon order -
Price: 1,150.00 грнon order
Price: 1,518.00 грнon order
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the ideal long pimpled rubber for defenders and controlled allrounders who prefer to play a more aggressive game which wins points with variations
Price: 1,242.00 грнon order -
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it is ideal for players who want to attack with control and dominate the game with precise placements
Price: 2,921.00 грнon order -
Price: 3,726.00 грнon order
Price: 1,334.00 грнAvailable
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высокочувствительное шведское основание класса allround
Price: 1,426.00 грнon order -
Price: 1,426.00 грнon order
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семислойка 5+2 с бальзой
для allround-игры с акцентом на атакуPrice: 2,622.00 грнAvailable -
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an attacking blade for all players who stay close to the table and play a ferocious power game
Price: 2,622.00 грнon order -
Price: 2,576.00 грнon order
Price: 1,610.00 грнAvailable
Price: 1,610.00 грнAvailable
Price: 1,656.00 грнon order
Price: 1,610.00 грнon order
Price: 1,610.00 грнon order
Price: 1,610.00 грнon order
Price: 1,610.00 грнon order
Price: 1,610.00 грнon order
Price: 1,610.00 грнon order
Price: 1,610.00 грнon order
Price: 1,610.00 грнon order
Price: 1,840.00 грнon order