YINHE (Milkyway) Saturn Pro Soft
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This is a hybrid pad, i.e. combines the best properties from tensors and velcro. On the whole, it is similar in quality and close in behavior to the extremely successful Big Dipper, but with some changes in character. In a nutshell, it is a little faster, and has a slightly stronger straight bounce. Due to this, it is even better suited for tempo and speed play.
The weight of the rubber is less than that of the Big Dipper due to the softer and more elastic sponge, and the topsheet is slightly stiffer. Due to this, the ball is weaker pressed into the rubber, sits on it for less time, and therefore the rubber reacts even less to incoming rotation. This is very nice when taking twisted serves and when blocking all kinds of twisted tops. Even when a short twisted tops have dropped under the table and you try to get it back from there at least somehow by a gentle touch, it is quite easy to do, while it usually causes a strong shot upwards with an unsuccessful outcome if you play a rubber with a strong reaction to the incoming rotation. for example from German tensors.
Hanging topspins - you can do it, but this is not a calling for this rubber. They are less dangerous to the opponent than from softer rubbers. The average topspin is excellent. Powerful tops, topsudar - excellent. A powerful tops with a lot of spin is great, compared to the Big Dipper, it spins less, but flies faster, so in general it remains as dangerous and difficult for the opponent.
A short pointed tops from the edge of the table or from the table is great. It is easier to attack on the bottom rotation than overlays with softer topsheet. Oddly enough, you can even make nanotopes from the table with one teal of topsheet, if skill allows.
A flat blow is some kind of holiday. Even on the slow tree ALL-, you can make flat blows, like from a machine gun. Interrupting the tops with a flat blow - even if relatively low is possible, if there is a technique. They interrupt confidently and powerfully, put them on the table securely. Do not forget to learn the technique of this element, otherwise even this overlay will not be able to without it :)
In general, with the exception of the hanging tops, this rubber attacks perfectly with any other techniques. This also means that it flies from it, and the relative ease and comfort of getting into the opponent's table. A very "friendly" rubber for its attacker master. And dangerous for his rivals.
Blocks are great. Both the handling and the speed are good even on a slow blades, and the block efficiency is as it should be. In general, there is also complete order, a 5-plus rating.
Short play, undercuts - here the rubber is noticeably faster than Big Dipper, but this despite the fact that Big Dipper is generally rotten in the short game. And then there is more speed. But naturally it is much more controllable than any fast tensors, here Saturn Pro Soft is beyond competition. You can also use it in defense. But this is generally a typical case for Yinhe hybrids - they attack hard and defend well.
To summarize - an attacking rubber with outstanding playing properties for little money, with a bias towards a sharper straightforward power play. But this, of course, can also be corrected by the properties of the blade.
See also a detailed video review (in the Video tab).
Note on the name of the company: in some stores they write GALAXY instead of YINHE or MILKYWAY, who is interested in knowing the correct name of the company - here is more about it.
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В наличии на губках Medium, Soft и Soft-. Отдельные карточки товара для других губок будут сделаны чуть позже. На данный момент, пока они не сделаны, если хотите заказать губку не Soft а другую - укажите это пожалуйста в примечании к заказу.
Описание товара тт-максимум полностью соответствует игровым свойствам накладки. Все ниже описанное-мое личное мнение. Ракетка: Yin-he Y-13, Yin-he Saturn pro soft 2.0 fh (далее-SPS), Yin-he Jupiter II max (2.0-2.05) h38 bh (далее-J2) У SPS: - липковатый топшит (более липкий чем у J2 и earth ll) - губка (по моим ощущениям) похожа на евротензеры - пружинящая, но не так сильно, как xiom,donic и др., она мягче чем J2 - при слабом набивании отскок +- одинаковый, а при усилении J2 немного выигрывает (сказывается липкость SPS и более жёсткая губка) Из-за липкости мяч немного притормаживает в начале тренировки, после прошествии некоторого времени (30 минут) то ли привыкаешь к этому, то ли она проходит. Игровые характеристики коротко сравнивнюс Xiom Vega pro max на основании Petr Korbel (игра bh)-медленней, контрольней, навесной топс с меньшей дугой и меньшим вращением (и это не ее конек), классический топс-мне больше нравится, он более низкий и хорошо отскакивает вперед. Пока не могу решить, какая накладка лучше подходит fh/bh, но по ощущениям J2 нравится больше чем SPS
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