Price: 464.20 грн274.30 грнAvailable
Price: 675.20 грн506.40 грнAvailable
Price: 337.60 грн189.90 грнAvailable
Price: 464.20 грн337.60 грнAvailable
Reviews: 3
long pips with low grip for allround play
Price: 379.80 грн253.20 грнAvailable -
Price: 337.60 грн295.40 грнAvailable
Price: 717.40 грн506.40 грнAvailable
Price: 1,266.00 грн633.00 грнAvailable
Price: 1,097.20 грн590.80 грнAvailable
Price: 1,097.20 грн801.80 грнAvailable
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long pips, sponge thickness 0.7 mm; improved version of the popular rubber
Price: 717.40 грн548.60 грнAvailable -
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composite Off + with very powerful spin and excellent control; straight handle (ST)
Price: 2,869.60 грн2,110.00 грнAvailable -
Price: 675.20 грн379.80 грнAvailable
Reviews: 1
seamless balls 3*** ITTF top quality; by the piece
Price: 80.18 грн61.19 грнAvailable -
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seamless balls 3*** ITTF top quality
Price: 464.20 грн295.40 грнAvailable -
Price: 33.76 грн27.43 грнAvailable
Reviews: 1
ABS balls 3*** in a pack of 12 balls; approved by ITTF
Price: 337.60 грн232.10 грнAvailable -
Reviews: 2
the second limited version of DHS DJ40 + 3 *** ITTF BUSAN 2020 WTTC balls, released for the World Team Championship
Price: 73.85 грн65.41 грнAvailable -
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official ball of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris
Price: 569.70 грн485.30 грнAvailable -
Reviews: 3
3*** ITTF balls of the highest quality - the official ball of the World Veteran Table Tennis Championships 2020 in Bordeaux, France: 6 balls + comfortable rollerbox
Price: 503.80 грн320.60 грнAvailable -
Reviews: 4
for those who find the 40 degree version too hard - also very powerful but a little softer
Price: 717.40 грн506.40 грнAvailable -
Reviews: 3
very hard, with the most powerful spin and good playing flat, FH rubber An Ji Song
Price: 717.40 грн548.60 грнAvailable -
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comfortable shoes for table tennis, from the inexpensive Crossmatch Plio line
Price: 3,165.00 грн1,392.60 грнAvailable -
Price: 1,603.00 грн1,465.60 грнAvailable
Price: 1,266.00 грн801.80 грнAvailable
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для быстрого и удобного сбора большого количества мячей с пола
Price: 1,350.40 грн1,055.00 грнAvailable -
Price: 1,374.00 грн687.00 грнAvailable
Price: 1,694.60 грн687.00 грнAvailable
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for use with the latest plastic balls, providing outstanding control in all aspects of the game, both passively and actively
Price: 1,694.60 грн961.80 грнAvailable -
Reviews: 1
tensor sponge with very rotating topsheet - stiffer and more powerful rubber
Price: 1,511.40 грн1,053.40 грнAvailable